Inicio / Oportunidades de Cooperación empresarial (página 198)

Oportunidades de Cooperación empresarial

Macedonian producer and trader of healthy food and beverages seeks distributors

A Macedonian food and beverage producer and seller specialized in specific dietary requirements, with experience in product development and food production since 1993, is looking for new international expansion opportunities. They are in search of distributors in order to establish long-term business relationships, and therefore offer their extensive portfolio of own-branded and custom-made products for trade and production.


Slovenian manufacturer of smart Internet of Things (IoT) device for remote monitoring and advanced analysis of power grids and surge arresters is looking for partners under a distribution services agreement

A Slovenian company is specialized in manufacturing of products for maintenance, renewal and set up of electro-energy systems. They offer an innovative smart device for remote monitoring and advanced analysis of power grids. The company is interested in enlarging its sales and is looking for partners for long-term cooperation under a distribution services agreement.
