Inicio / Oportunidades de Cooperación empresarial (página 363)

Oportunidades de Cooperación empresarial

Slovenian microbial biotech service provider specializing in strain and bioprocess optimization is looking for partners and/or collaborators under outsourcing services agreement

Slovenian company is specialized in development of industrial microbial strains, and development of more efficient bioprocesses for biosynthesis of new active ingredients. The company is interested in expanding its customer base and is looking for collaboration with companies, universities and other entities operating in the life science space (e.g. pharma, agriculture, food, cosmetics, etc.) under outsourcing agreements.


Innovative Norwegian bicycle tire company, looking for manufacturers, bike brands, or retailers for bike-equipment and tires

The Norwegian SME has developed an innovative solution for bicycle tires: the world’s first modular zip-on technology, allowing commuters and recreational cyclists to quickly adapt their tire treads to changing road conditions. The system provides the convenience of being easily able to zip their tire treads in less than a minute, without additional tools or costs. The company is now looking for manufacturers, bike brands, and retailers to sell their products in new markets.


Turkish lighting company is looking for distributors, commercial agents and also offering manufacturing agreement

A Turkish design and manufacturing company, specialized in producing innovative human centric lighting, retail lighting, office lighting and architectural lighting systems and products, is looking for exclusive distributors or commercial agents over all geographical areas in 26 countries. The company welcomes OEM (original equipment manufacturing) and ODM (original design manufacturing) co-operation opportunities as well.


A Polish supplier of compatible and original printer consumables is looking for partners under distribution or commercial agency agreement

A Polish company specializes in wholesale of compatible and original printer consumables, such as toner cartridges, ink cartridges, refurbished cartridges and drum units for laser and inkjet printers of all popular manufacturers. The company is looking for new partners all around Europe under distribution or commercial agency agreement.


An innovative Bulgarian SME specialized in the production of castings is looking for manufacturing agreements and subcontracting

A leading and innovative Bulgarian SME specializes in the production of castings made of grey cast iron (according to EN 1561) and castings of nodular iron (according to EN 1563). The company is planning to expand to new foreign markets and is open to manufacturing agreements and subcontracting with manufacturers within the following areas of activity: mining and metallurgy equipment, industrial machinery, machine tools, wind power and hydroelectric power equipment, gear boxes.


The company from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with focus on production of natural spring water and organic juice, is looking for partners through financial and joint venture agreement

The company was founded in 2010, in the municipality of East Sarajevo (Mokro), Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company was founded as a limited liability company, with the predominant trade being consulting, production of organic juices and production of PET packaging. Cooperation with collaborative partners is sought under financial and joint venture agreements.


A Finnish manufacturer of traditional, thick, high-quality wool socks for work, leisure and outdoor activities is looking for distributors, commercial agents, dealers and/or retail chains

A Finnish manufacturer of traditional, thick wool socks is searching for distributors, commercial agents, dealers and/or retail chains worldwide. The company offers high-quality wool socks in unisex sizes between 37-55 and in 9 colours. Both regular and long socks are available. Socks are knitted with traditional knitting machines and finished by precise handicraft. The company manufactures also private labels with customized colours.


Chilean company that offers professional services in business, legal and tax areas to foreign companies that are interested in the Chilean market is looking for a partner for outsourcing agreements

Chilean company offers professional services to foreign SMEs, start-ups and innovative companies that are interested in the Chilean market and who seek personalised services in legal, business and tax areas and who expect a long-term relationship. The company has a team of professionals with vast experience in the mentioned areas and can provide professional services during the landing process in Chilean market. The company is looking for a partner for outsourcing agreements.
