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Romanian company specialised in web applications, custom software development and business consulting is offering its services under outsourcing and/or subcontracting agreements

The Romanian company, specialized in web applications and custom software development, has the necessary expertise to provide software solutions that will be aligned with the clients’ business model. The company is looking for cooperation with foreign partners within outsourcing and/or subcontracting agreements.


Serbian company, offering tailor-made metal and woodworks in small series for integration of the gaming, telecommunication, and electric devices, is looking for manufacturing agreements

Serbian company active in the integration of metal, woodwork, and electronics specializes in developing and manufacturing various metal products: enclosure boxes, insulators, gaming, lottery, telecommunication, network, traffic self-standing user interface devices, and more according to customers’ specifications and international standards. The company is offering tailor-made metal works for companies in Europe and other markets. It is looking for a manufacturing agreement.


Bulgarian producer of electronic and electro-mechanical products, plastic details, metal boxes, cable looms, and LED lamps is looking for distribution and production partners abroad

The Bulgarian company is specialised in the production of electronic and electro-mechanical products, plastic details, metal boxes, cable looms, interior and street/park LED (light-emitting diode) lamps, LED lighting for gas stations and a LED clock with one/two thermometers. The company is looking for international partners under distribution service and manufacturing agreement, and is offering to be a subcontractor to foreign partners.


Power Producer of renewable energy with innovative projects, is looking for, through outsourcing agreement or subcontracting, organizations willing to boost its energy capacity, switch to renewable hydrogen use or try new energy produce innovative systems

The Spanish company is an independent power producer (IPP) of renewable energy, mainly photovoltaic and wind power, covering the entire value chain, from plant development until asset management. The company is looking for clients from public or private organizations, whether they are in the Utility-scale electricity, energy intensive industries, mobility, transport and logistics or natural gas sector, in order to establish a long partnership under service outsourcing agreement or subcontracting.


A Spanish company produces high end 100% natural cooked dishes for the HORECA channel is looking for distribution companies to sell its products in EU countries.

The spanish company specialized in high-quality production, 100% natural fifth range products for HORECA, offers readymade meals solutions with over 80 standard references for professionals in HORECA channel. Thanks to their own top-of-the-line R&D Department they can develop customs products, national and internacional receipts using mainly Spanish raw materials. Looking for distributors agreements in EU countries mainly in Italy, Germany, Norway, France, and Netherlands.


Serbian metalworking company specialized in quality manufacturing of sheet metal elements and structures seeks international business partners under manufacturing agreements or commercial representatives

This Serbian SME is specialized in the production of sheet metal elements. The products are utilized in various domains such as telecommunications, toll distributors, payment systems including bitcoin devices and ATMs, and info desks. The company seeks international business partners for the conclusion of manufacturing agreements or commercial agency agreements.


An Italian producer offers its fish and food preserves under distribution services agreements

This Italian company, established in 1913, offers fish and food preserves under distribution services agreements with international partners. The production cycle is entirely carried out in Italy, starting from “round” yellowfin tunas. Thanks to its dedication to quality and its ability to combine technology and tradition, the company guarantees a premium quality product, appreciated and established in the Italian and international markets.


Polish company producing IT systems for imaging diagnostics is searching for partners in medical industry under licence agreement

A Polish company specializing in IT systems and software for the medical industry is looking for foreign partners who will use their IT systems. The systems would use, inter alia, artificial intelligence, especially in the area of ??imaging diagnostics. The company is also interested in cooperation regarding the implementation of tools supporting the operation of medical image viewers in the DICOM format – cooperation will be on the basis of a license agreement.


Serbian company offers a full range of services in the area of small photovoltaic (PV) plants both ground and roof-mounted through subcontracting

Serbian company, established in 2010, is offering a full range of services in form of subcontracting in the area of small photovoltaic (PV) plants, both ground and roof-mounted: development of pre-feasibility study, development of conceptual designs (with location conditions), main and general project, the project for building permit, construction works project, supervision of construction.
