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Future Match at CeBIT 2017


Future Match at CeBIT 2017

20 – 24 March 2017 in hall 6, stand A18/27

Meet potential cooperation partners during Future Match at CeBIT


Future Match 2015 Talks

Future Match at the information and communication technology (ICT) fair CeBIT 2017 in Hannover, Germany, is the 19th edition of the international brokerage event organised by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the largest business support network in Europe.

Since 1999, Future Match has enabled enterprises and research organisations to find partners for international cooperation such as sales and license agreements, joint ventures, subcontracting, technology transfer or research & development projects.

In 2016, 277 companies and research organisations from over 35 countries participated in Future Match and met for 1000 bilateral meetings. Read more on last edition…

The meetings will take place at CeBIT in Hannover (hall 6, stand A18/27).

The Enterprise Europe Network Sector Group ICT is supporting Future Match 2017.

Flyer: Future Match 2017


Why participate?

  • Get the latest information about ICT trends and innovations
  • Promote your products, technologies and know-how
  • Find a solution for your IT problem
  • Find new commercial and technology partners
  • Find new clients and cooperation or business partners
  • Discuss new project ideas


Main topics:

  • Big Data & Cloud
  • Business Electronics & Equipment
  • Commerce & Banking
  • Communication & Networks
  • ECM, Input/Output Solutions
  • ERP & HR Solutions
  • Internet of Things
  • Marketing and Sales Solutions
  • Research & Innovation
  • Security
  • Unmanned Systems & Solutions

How to participate?

  • Register (regular fee: 110 EUR + VAT, incl. CeBIT exhibition tickets) and create a cooperation profile describing your offer or request.
  • All the participants’ profiles will be published in the online catalogue on this website.
  • Browse the catalogue and book meetings with participants you are interested in.
  • Prior to the event you will receive an individual meeting schedule and your entrance tickets.
  • Come to our booth to conduct the 30-minute meetings.
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Additional services:

  • Thematic guided tours to the booths of Lower Saxony and Japan
  • Advisory services on intellectual property right (IPR) in ICT
  • Advisory services on the European ICT research funding
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Railways Brokerage event 2017


The Enterprise Europe Network North of France and the i-Trans competitiveness cluster organize a brokerage event in rail industry during the 10th edition of SIFER, France’s only international fair dedicated exclusively on the rail market.

This matchmaking event is a unique platform for small and medium sized enterprises, start-ups and larger companies as well as research institutes to find new business partners, initiate cross border co-operations and share innovative technologies in an efficient way.

Attendance at this event is free of charge. However, you must be registered to attend to the main SIFER 2017 event. Register to attend SIFER 2017.

Relevant topics

  • Rolling stock – the latest in rail vehicle design & systems 
  • Infrastructures – innovation in rail infrastructure technology
  • Passenger transport technology – meeting passenger needs
  • Rail vehicle interior – matching passenger expectations

Why to participate?

Meet potential partners or costumers and expand your company’s network within the European railways industry.

  • Find out about market trends and innovations
  • Develop and/or strengthen business relationships
  • Find new commercial and technological partners
  • Establish collaborations with international companies
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Fabricante búlgaro de carretillas elevadoras para cargas pesadas busca agentes comerciales y distribuidores

Una empresa búlgara especializada en fabricar carretillas elevadoras para cargas pesadas diseñadas para puertos, terminales de carga y otras instalaciones de carga y descarga, que permiten manejar materiales en contenedores de forma precisa, especialmente cargas súper pesadas, busca agentes comerciales y distribuidores. Las carretillas tienen una capacidad de 20 toneladas y una anchura/altura de 2.150/2.150 mm, con un centro de gravedad máximo de 1.350 mm.

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H2020 Brokerage Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials


The Enterprise Europe Network, in partnership with Innovate UK, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Knowledge Transfer Network and the UK Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy invite you to participate in an international partnering event and information day for the Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials themes of the NMBP Work Programme within Horizon 2020.

This one-day event will introduce the forthcoming calls for proposals, present insights and expectations from the European Commission, and offer a unique international networking experience to forge the winning partnerships of the future.

The programme will include presentations from the European Commission and its evaluators and an opportunity to build prospective project partnerships with leading research organisations and cutting-edge innovators from across industry.

A dedicated brokerage session will allow you to expand your international network and create strong consortia through scheduled one-to-one meetings. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet with National Contact Points (UK and Netherlands confirmed) and representatives of the Enterprise Europe Network and the UK’s Knowledge Transfer Network.

The day will also include an optional proposal writing workshop in which delegates will be given valuable tips and insight into the preparation of a winning proposal including a review of the key evaluation criteria. This event is dedicated to Key Enabling Technologies and will target upcoming calls in the following thematic fields: Nanotechnologies; Advanced materials 

Participation for the day is free of charge for organisations that are interested in building or joining a consortium for a collaborative research proposal or who are looking for a technology or research partner.  Early registration is recommended as the number of participants is limited.  Please note that participation will usually be limited to one delegate per organisation except for larger research organisations.

Main topics

The event will target upcoming calls in the following fields:

  • Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials
  • Bottom-up topics (SME Instrument)

The bilateral (B2B) meetings will also be suitable for organisations that are seeking partners for Eurostars projects in these fields.


  • Improve your chances of success by understanding the main issues and expectations for upcoming calls based on feedback from previous rounds
  • Raise your profile with future project partners from industry and research through pre-arranged one-to-one meetings
  • Hear from an experienced H2020 evaluator to gain tips and insight for the preparation of a strong proposal
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GREEN VENTURES 2017 in Leipzig

The international partnership forum for environmental and energy technologies

GREEN VENTURES is Germany's largest partnership forum for environmental and energy technology companies. The event will be organised for the 20th time in 2017.


Since 1998 the event has been attended by 4,700 companies from 115 countries.

The forum offers a programme of carefully planned and securely organised bilateral talks between companies from home and abroad interested in cooperation.

An event co-hosted by IHK Potsdam (Potsdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and the registered association iFUS-Institute.

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EEN Brokerage Event during Hannover Messe 2017



  • Five days of business meetings
  • A matchmaking area in the centre of the trade fair
  • VIP lounge at the disposal of the participants
  • International partner network
  • Professional assistance on the spot


Dates: 24th – 28th April 2017
Venue: Global Business & Markets (Hall 3)

The matchmaking event will take place during HANNOVER MESSE, the world´s leading industrial and technological trade show.


  • Over 3,000  participating companies
  • Around 4,000 businessmen- and women
  • Over 20,000 business meetings
  • 60 countries represented
  • A network of more than 100 partners 



HANNOVER MESSE, being one of the biggest industrial trade shows in the world, covers a wide range of themes such as R&D, industrial automation and IT, industrial supply, production engineering and services, as well as energy and environmental technology. The opportunity to develop new sales leads in other sectors, unique access to new products and technologies and a huge international presence attract exhibitors and visitors from all over the world.

The 2017 trade fair line-up includes:

  •  Industrial Automation:  Leading Trade Fair for Factory and Process Automation, System Solutions and Industrial IT
  •  Digital Factory:  Leading Trade Fair for Integrated Processes and IT Solutions
  •  Energy:  Leading Trade Fair for Integrated Energy Systems and Mobility
  •  Industrial Supply:  Leading Trade Fair for Innovative Subcontracting Solutions and Lightweight Construction
  •  Research & Technology: Leading Trade Fair for R&D and Technology Transfer.
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