Inicio / luis (página 149)


Italian company producing food preserves is looking for distributors.

The Italian company is located in the South of Italy. The range of food preserves offered is wide: from the vegetables in oil, to grilled vegetables, to ready-made sauces, to jams, processed with modern technologies but with the same old-time care. The company is involved in producing organic products, transforming its fruits without using manures and synthetic fertilizers, to preserve the taste. The company is looking for distributors.


Italian environmental monitoring company looking to sign distribution services agreement

The company, based in Northern Italy, is a supplier of air quality and emissions sampling systems, long-term micropollutants emission samplers, gravimetric dust samplers, industrial hygiene devices and combustion control analysers. Its mission is to design products compliant to European, US EPA and ISO standards, to improve productivity of environmental engineers, and to reduce off-spec products in industrial processes. The company looks for signing distribution services agreements.


A transformative Israeli construction-planning technology start-up is looking for clients and partners under subcontracting

This Israeli start-up has developed an automated construction planning solution for real estate developers and constructors, allowing them to plan and build faster, smarter and more efficiently. It uses artificial intelligence algorithms to execute the planning process similarly to software development – make the process automated, efficient, and optimized for the client’s needs. The company is looking for subcontracting clients in the fields of real estate, construction and architecture.


Russian producer of mint lozenges with chitosan complex and prebiotics is looking for new distributors

A Russian company from Nizhny Novgorod is engaged in the production of mint lozenges with chitosan complex and prebiotic, which are not dietary supplements and medicaments. This is an innovative product of functional-healthy nutrition, which includes only natural ingredients. Lozenges block the growth of carious bacteria, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The company is looking for reliable partners to conclude a distribution services agreement.


Russian producer of a complex synergistic prebiotic additive is looking for foreign distributors

A Russian company from Nizhny Novgorod has developed and produced an innovative complex of prebiotic additives for the enrichment of fermented milk ECO -, BIO-products. The use of this complex in fermented milk products contributes to functional and therapeutic properties, such as increasing immunity, normalizing blood pressure, restoring joints. The company is looking for reliable partners to conclude distribution services agreements.


Ukrainian breeder of snails (helix aspera Muller) is looking for commercial agency and distribution service agreements

The Ukrainian snail breeder and supplier of snails (?helix aspersa) products is looking for business partners in the frame of commercial agency and distribution service agreements, with the EU partners preferably in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The potential partners should be experts in the wholesale and retail trade of snail products, especially in the delicatessen market.


A Ukrainian producer of silicone and polyurethane seals is looking for manufacturing agreement

The Ukrainian company from Zaporizhzhia, is specialized in the production of silicone and polyurethane seals for companies from chemical and oil industries, metallurgy, engineering and metalworking, electrical engineering and electric power industry. Now, they are looking for partners interested in their products on the European market via manufacturing agreement.


Polish company offers Public Address and Voice Alarm (PAVA) system for distribution

A Polish electronics manufacturer specialises in the production of communication equipment. The company is looking for distributors for its Public Address and Voice Alarm (PAVA) system. In emergency situations, the system is an effective information tool and allows one to manage the evacuation process. When there is no crisis, it can be used to broadcast advertisements or play music. The main advantages of the system are its scalability and low energy consumption.
