A Serbian SME offers services in form of an outsourcing agreement concerning chemical and biotechnological measurements, in particular, sample analysis and tests. SME’s know-how and expertise can be used to support engineering teams with specialized process monitoring and development of projects during the planning phase. Some examples of offered services are sugar content measurement, characterization of pollutant breakdown by a micro-organism, and development of pollutant detection methods.
Romanian IT company offers joint-ventures to develop innovation-driven software products or solutions
A Romanian company couples augmented intelligence with natural language processing, image analytics, video analytics and emerging technologies to help businesses deliver immersive customer experiences. They are looking for companies that want to leverage innovation-driven solutions aimed at improving the business operations, under outsourcing agreement. Also, they are interested in investors and setting up joint-ventures to spin-out products and solutions developed through R&D.
Polish manufacturer of ecological/reusable/hypoallergenic hygiene and cosmetic products is looking for distributors.
Polish company specialized in production and trade of reusable products for everyday hygiene want to expand the geographic sector of the offered products through distribution in EU countries.
Slovenian company with innovative device for prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome is looking for partners under distribution agreement
Company from Slovenia is focused on development and production of innovative wooden device with electronic mechanism for mitigation and prevention of issues, connected with the carpal tunnel syndrome. The device is based on local vibration therapy. They are looking for partners for cooperation under distribution agreement.
Ukrainian furniture manufacturer is looking for foreign distributors
The company is a manufacturer of carcass furniture, made of chipboard and of medium-density fiberboard (MDF). Furniture is well-designed, aimed at DIY’s consumers of middle- and low-income. The company looks for new foreign partners among DIY chains, departmental stores and leading importers/wholesalers. Ukrainian producer is looking for distributors on order to establish cooperation with foreign partners and broaden its’ horizons in furniture field.
Austrian company which invented osmotic water treatment membrane processes for water plants is looking for technical distribution partners and offers its process technology as subcontractor for pilot projects
An Austrian company invented an osmotic process for water treatment & energy production. The company is now offering itself as a subcontractor for international industrial and municipal applications of water separation and -treatment pilot projects. The company is also looking for skilled distribution partners within the field of international water treatment plant installations with maintenance service.
Singapore manufacturing equipment company seeks European partners via distribution services agreement
The Singapore client is a company that designs and manufactures direct drive motors, stages and precision systems that are used in equipment for manufacturing, inspection and testing. The company is looking for European partners via distribution service agreements.
The Slovak company engaged in the development and production of baby carriers & wraps is looking for partners to establish distribution services agreement
The Slovak company dealing with development and production of ergonomic baby carriers and wraps is looking for distributors for the long-term cooperation in the area of products sales – baby carriers and wraps. The company is looking for the distribution services agreement especially in the EU markets but also in Switzerland, Japan, Russia and Ukraine.
Small Slovenian family company, manufacturing high-quality protective clothing for industries such as welding, casting, construction, etc. is looking for commercial agents and distributors and offers commercial agency and/or distribution services agreement
A Slovenian small company, with over 60 years of family tradition, produces high-quality protective clothing (gloves, pants, jackets, aprons, cloaks) from materials that meet the EN407 and EN388 standards and are suitable for industries such as welding, foundry, construction and others. The company is looking for commercial agents and/or distribution partners to distribute its products on the EU markets, especially in Italy, under commercial agency and/or distribution services agreement.
An Italian company specialized in the realization of photovoltaic systems, canopies, LED street and hybrid systems, is looking for joint ventures, agency and distribution agreements
An Italian company located in the province of Ragusa, in the south of Sicily, looks for agents and distributors involved in the field of green energy, interested in photovoltaic systems, small photovoltaic modules, green furnishing urban elements such as canopies and stand alone LED street light systems and off grid and hybrid systems. The company aims also at finding joint ventures for the realization of photovoltaic plants and lighting projects.