Inicio / luis (página 239)


German startup offers a software that enables car owners to digitise their vehicle data, store it in a data vault and earn income – franchise agency agreements are sought

The German startup created the world’s first cloud-based software solution for the end consumer, where vehicle owners can digitise, self-administer and analyse data from and around their vehicles, as well as trip data and driving behaviour, all securely stored in a personal data vault at 100% GDPR compliance. On the marketplace, owners can also earn money by granting companies access to their data. Franchise agency, commercial agency and financial agreements are sought.


A Spanish fashion company specilised in smart ladies’ shoes is looking for distribution services and manufacturing agreements.

A Spanish company designing, producing and commercializing their own collections of shoes for women, in the segment of medium-high and high quality, seeks partners providing distribution services. The company is also interested in taking production orders, under manufacturing agreements. The company is located in Alicante, one of the most well-known footwear manufacturing clusters across the EU.


More profitable and sustainable professional kitchens with low investment requirements – a Finnish startup is looking for partners for commercial agency agreements in Europe for its innovative solution

A Finnish startup has developed an intelligent, easy-to-use SaaS (software as a service) solution to measure and reduce food waste in professional kitchens. The service does not need any major initial investments and kitchens can achieve approximately 25% reduction in food waste in just three months, while simultaneously saving 3-9% in raw material costs. The company is now seeking commercial agency agreements in Europe to help scaling the service, especially in the Nordics, Germany and Spain.


Dutch supplier of energy boosting glasses using blue light LED’s seeks distribution partners in Europe

A Dutch SME specializes in light and chronotherapy to boost athletes performance and improve lives by the use of light and technology. Their patented, award winning technology helps people to sleep better, feel more energetic and prevents health issues of shiftworkers. The company is looking for a partnership within the frame of a distribution services agreement. They are searching for new partners in Finland, Italy, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechia and Slovakia.


UK company offering support packages for substance and alcohol misuse seeks outsourcing agreements

A UK company based in the North East specialises in creating company packages that focuses on all aspects of substance and alcohol misuse in workplaces. They are looking to expand across Europe and in America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Singapore via an outsourcing Agreement, however other agreements may be considered during the negotiation phase.
