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A UK company based in the North East designs energy storage systems based on the use of compressed air seeks a partner to manufacturer and/or market the system under a licensing agreement

A UK company based in the North East designs energy storage systems based on the use of compressed air. The company’s system has overcome the heat management issues which earlier generation compressed air energy systems suffered from which improves efficiency. The company seeks collaborative partners in Scandinavia, the USA, Japan and China to manufacture and market the system under licence because these countries have electrical power distribution grids consumption similar to the UK.


A Bulgarian company specialized in metal working and powder coating is offering manufacturing agreement.

A Bulgarian modern factory for metalworking and powder coating, equipped with high-tech machines for CNC (computer numerical control) turning, CNC milling, laser cutting, sheet material cutting and bending, pipe bending, welding, powder coating line and their related installation works is offering a manufacturing agreement to partners worldwide.


A Spanish company specialized in meal products for intolerant or allergic people to gluten, lactose and others is looking for distributors.

This Spanish company is focused on research, development and production of own designed mixed flours, artisan breads, biscuits, pastries, pizza and other bakery products for people with alimentary allergies or intolerances such as gluten, lactose, cow’s-milk protein (CMP) or sugar and focused on offering similar organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, etc) than current products. The company is looking for distributors worldwide.


Romanian manufacturer of women clothing seeks international textiles suppliers under manufacturing agreements

A Romanian company specialises in manufacturing women clothing including dresses, blouses, skirts, trousers, and T-shirts. Products are manufactured using cotton, corduroy, viscose, and flax. The company is interested in expanding its current network of collaborators by identifying international business partners able to supply textiles under manufacturing agreements.


Italian manufacturer of fountains and water features is looking for distribution opportunities abroad

The Italian company has more than 35 years of expertise in producing fountains and water features for gardens and other exterior locations, for public and/or private users. The company is looking for new business opportunities with potential partners active in urban furniture and interested in enlarging their current portfolio through distribution agreements.


Ukrainian developer of magnetic-impulse equipment for cleaning different surfaces from sticking and freezing loose materials is looking for partners under commercial agency and/or distribution services agreements

Ukrainian company, a leader in the development of magnetic-impulse equipment for cleaning different surfaces from sticking and freezing loose materials (hoppers, silos, chutes, trays, etc), is looking for partners under commercial agency and/or distribution services agreements. It offers selling, implementation, training of staff, maintenance, warranty and post warranty service.


An Indian manufacturer of hand block printed home-furnishing textiles and apparels is looking for retailers, distributors, agents, companies under distribution services, commercial agency or manufacturing agreement

An Indian manufacturer with more than 10 years of experience in hand block printed home-furnishing textile products and apparels is looking for agents, retailers, distributors under distribution services agreement or commercial agency agreement or manufacturing agreement.
