Located in Transylvania, a Romanian company specialised in the field of metal processing (steel, stainless steel, aluminum) is offering to become a subcontractor for international companies (SMEs and large companies). With 8 years of experience in metal processing services, the Romanian company offers laser cutting (max. 3000 x 1500 mm), Abkant bending (max. width: 4000 mm), MIG-MAG welding, TIG welding, turning, milling etc. on the basis of subcontracting agreements.
Romanian advertising company offers digital services under outsourcing or subcontracting agreements
Romanian company specialized in online content creation, web development, web design and brand design is looking for partners under outsourcing or subcontracting agreements, in order to enter new markets and to expand its client portfolio.
Romanian company offers production of knitwear under manufacturing agreements
A Romanian company with over 15 years’ experience in the production of knitwear for women seeks international business partners who wish to outsource their manufacturing process based on manufacturing agreements. The Romanian company possesses all necessary resources (human and technological) to fulfil high volume orders, at excellent price-quality rates.
Innovative Bulgarian web development, branding and digital marketing company offers its services under subcontracting agreements
An active Bulgarian company, providing web applications development, website maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO), mobile solutions, digital marketing, branding etc, is interested in cooperation on the basis of subcontracting agreements. The company looks for partners – private companies and public institutions – from all over the world.
The Ukrainian sewing factory engaged in the production of men's and women's clothing for world brands is looking for new partners under manufacturing agreements
The Ukrainian sewing factory offers tailoring services for men’s and women’s clothing such as coats, outdoor jackets, raincoats, suit jackets/jackets, trousers, dresses, skirts. The company is offering to work under a manufacturing agreement.
Qatari company in cloud based technology for event is looking for agencies and licensees in the technology for event sector
This Qatari based software company founded in 2014 is specialized in the development of interactive and engaging software for events. The company has developed a SaaS platform used to engage with the crowd during events. The company is looking for agencies and/ or licensees for its SaaS platform for events.
Spanish company seeks distribution agreement for agricultural irrigation systems through innovative, high-quality products and a continuous technical support
Spanish company, specialized in the production, commercialisation and assessment of irrigation systems for the agricultural sector, is looking for a distribution agreements, seeking partners to establish a long-term relationship that allows a stable and mutual growth. The company offers a range of highly specialised and specific products that covers the particular needs of clients in relation to the maintenance of ponds and irrigation systems.
Ukrainian company that produces and processes food snails is looking for commercial agents and distributors
Ukrainian company engaged in the production, breeding and processing of food snails (?elix Pomatia, Helix Aspersa Maxima, Helix Aspersa Muller), young stock snails and broodstock is looking for commercial agents and / or distributors in France, Italy and Spain.
A German PR and advertising agency offers support for subcontracting and outsourcing activities
A German advertising and public relations agency, with a focus on technical products, offers its resources for subcontracting or outsourcing production. The agency offers a very wide range of services. These include print advertising, corporate design and public relations. The agency has extended experience in providing guidelines and documentation of complex and complicated products and services.
UK-based SME is looking for agents and distributors for their novel 'nests' for premature babies / neonates
A UK-based SME has developed a novel ‘nest’ for premature babies and newborns with special care needs designed with input from clinicians. They are looking to enter new markets with this product and their neonatal range of products. They are looking for agents and distributors with knowledge and connections in the obstetrics and neonatal departments to achieve this. It is envisaged that the partnership will take the form of a commercial agency agreement or a distribution services agreement.