This UK company that has been producing single malt Whisky and Whisky related liquors in the east of England since 2006 is looking to find distributors in Europe.
Polish company offers freight forwarding and related services under subcontracting or outsourcing agreement
A Polish company from the transport, shipping and logistics (TSL) industry offers its services to all companies interested in moving goods internationally. It provides customs clearance, forwarding, shipping agency, stevedoring, trucking, insurance and warehousing services. The firm wants to cooperate within the framework of either subcontracting or outsourcing agreement.
Ukrainian manufacturer of commercial display refrigerators is looking for distributors
An experienced Ukrainian manufacturer of commercial display refrigerators for retail outlets is looking for commercial agents and distributors with contacts in retail and large-scale distribution chains on the EU, Israeli, Moldovan, Georgian and Azerbaijani markets. It offers competitive pricing, flexible order volumes and can provide products under white label.
French SME specialised in decorative flooring is looking for new sustainable design products (wall, flooring and ceiling) for exclusive distribution
A French SME with a wide network in the distribution at national level of decorative floorings and interior coverings is looking for new ecological and design products for wall, flooring and ceiling applications. It is interested by exclusive distribution agreements for the domestic market.
A French company specialized in the development and production of innovative and bioactive ingredients extracted from snails is looking for a partner which can provide a service for the extraction process under services agreement
A French company, specialized in manufacturing ingredients for food supplements and healthy food, from meat and co-products of the snails, is looking for a partner able to do the extraction process as part of a service agreement. It is looking for a partner in the European Union.
COVID-19 – Spanish (Catalan) company is looking for distributors for its innovative ventilator
A Spanish (Catalan) company has developed a portable device used to automate a manual resuscitator that assists the breathing of a Covid-19 affected patient. The aim is to make up for the lack of conventional automatic respirators during an emergency situation. The company is looking for distributors under distribution services agreement and/or license agreement to expand its market.
Russian company engaged in the construction of playgrounds, recreation areas and other street fittings is looking for foreign partners and distributors
A Russian mechanical repair plant from Kaliningrad is engaged in the design and construction of playgrounds, recreation areas, fences, and outdoor furniture. The company hopes to enter into long-term mutually beneficial relations with foreign partners on the basis of a distribution services agreement.
Polish distributor of high-end cosmetics is looking for European distribution partners
A Polish wholesale distributor, experienced in trade in luxury perfumes and cosmetics, is looking for other wholesale and retail distrubutors from Europe in order to expand its market coverage. The company is interested in distribution agreements.
Italian company specialized in commercializing preserved food is looking for distributors
The Italian company, established in 2017, is specialized in commercializing preserved food. The knowledge of agro-food raw materials is an important prerogative of the company’s partners who come from an old generation of food producers and distributors. The company is looking for distributors in other countries.
Armenian dry fruit producer is looking for distributors
The Armenian company, specialized in the production of a wide range of dry fruits is looking for distributors in order to sell its products abroad. All production is made from the fruits and vegetables which are grown up in the territory of Ararat valley.