This Polish cluster was established in 2016 and it connects local stakeholders. The purpose of the cluster is to promote and support the development of a sustainable energy system in Lower Silesia. The cluster has professional experience in various work projects and offers know-how and technology. The cluster has indicated an interest in offering its services under an outsourcing agreement, for the purpose of increasing green energy.
COVID-19 – A Spanish company has patented an additive that allows post-wash antimicrobial protection and looks for distribution services in European and South American countries
This Spanish company has patented an antimicrobial and groundbreaking solution to achieve the durability of antimicrobial protection and inhibition in clothes. It is looking for distribution services in European and South American markets.
A Turkish company trying to combine art with technology is looking for distributors to expand its product to different countries
The Turkish company is founded in 2018 by two entrepreneurs. The company works on the tools that help to get rid of dependencies of engineering services or complicated, technical set-ups for designers and modern stage artists. The company’s product is a motorized, miniature pulley system that can be customized through the internet to obtain different motion patterns. The company is looking for commercial agencies and distribution services.
Ukrainian manufacturer specialized in the production of a wood watches and interior design items seeks distributors or joint venture partners
A manufacturer from Ukraine is looking for reliable partners (distributors) or joint venture production of watches made from wood, kinetic mechanisms, and other wood interior design items.The manufacturer is looking for an international partners, such as distributors, or partners for joint venture in order to open a representative office or joint production in Ukraine or in EU market.
A Slovenian producer of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables is looking for distributors to sell its products.
Slovenian company is dealing with freeze-drying (lyophilisation) of different fruits, vegetables and herbs. By special procedure they remove the water from fruits and vegetables and preserve the structure, colour, aroma and composition of the food. The company is looking for reliable partners that already have established sales network and experience with sale of lyophilized/dried fruits and vegetables and are interested in signing a distribution services agreement.
Innovative food company from Bulgaria offers healthy soups in bottles to distributors
This Bulgarian company produces healthy soups made from fresh, locally sourced products, with 100% traceable origin and quality. ?he soups are sterilized in glass bottles and have no additives, which make them appropriate for busy lifestyles, healthy diets, sports nutrition, for people with allergies, vegan diets. Partnership sought: Distribution services agreement; Manufacturing agreement could also be considered an option.
Spanish company producing high quality canned seafood is looking for suppliers of European Hake (Merluccius merluccius) Cheeks
The Spanish company is focused on getting fresh high quality fish and processing it into preserved fish. They are the very first company which manage to produce high quality canned fish from line caught European hake in Spain. Because of the lack of suppliers of fresh European Hake (Merluccius Merluccius) cheeks in their region, they are looking for this product abroad.
London based jewellery designer brand is seeking hollow and gold plated jewellery manufacturer
A UK- based, young jewellery designer brand is looking for an experienced manufacturer of hollow silver jewellery in Europe for custom orders. This particular request is to find a reliable manufacturing partner for custom order of their already existing, commercially proven model of earrings. The manufacturer must have the technology and skills to produce hollow jewellery in Sterling silver, and PVD gold coat, or provide high quality gold vermeil plating under a manufacturing agreement.
A Polish company offering wooden toys is looking for cooperation via distribution services agreement
A Polish company offers unique, ecological wooden toys for children at different stages of their development. Each toy is individually made with great care and attention to detail. The company is looking for partners interested in cooperation in terms of distribution services agreement.
Romanian producer of clothing offers its services under manufacturing agreement to foreign partners
A Romanian company specialized in adult’s and children’s clothing is offering manufacturing agreements to foreign producers of clothing from Europe.