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Provider of solutions and services in the field of digital product design and digital process simulations in production seeks partners under outsourcing agreement

An established Slovak company is a supplier of software solutions and Siemens PLM (product lifecycle management) software. Besides selling software licences, this company provides support for the implementation and integration of existing solutions and services for optimisation of processes in product design and manufacturing. They are looking for partners to cooperate via outsourcing agreement.


A Turkish medical device manufacturer looks for distributors and commercial agents and offers manufacturing agreement

A Turkish company which operates in neonatal intensive care units such as infant incubators, phototherapy units, transport incubators looks for distributors, commercial agents and offers manufacturing agreement. The company is engaged in transnational cooperation with many countries all over the world and is ISO 13485:2003 and CE certified.


A Romanian company specialized in digitalization services, secure private cloud infrastructure and ITC management consulting seeks international partners under subcontracting or outsourcing agreements

A Romanian SME is offering its expertise in digital transformation, analytics-driven digital strategy, IT management consulting, web-development and secure cloud infrastructure. The Romanian SME is aiming to increase its portfolio with enterprises of any size that want to establish a long-term collaboration under subcontracting and outsourcing agreements.


Singapore peanut products manufacturer seeking European partners via distribution service agreement

The Singapore company, which was established in 1950, is a well-known brand of peanut products in Singapore as well as in Asia. The peanuts products are easily available in local supermarkets, mini-marts and provision stores in Singapore as well as in Asia. Due to expansion, the company is seeking European partners via distribution services agreement.


A global B2B e-marketplace platform from Turkey is looking for chambers of commerce, exporters' unions or business councils under the outsourcing agreement

A Turkish company that is located in Izmir has a global B2B e-marketplace. This place aims to bring importers and exporters together in the same platform. The member companies present their products or post request for quotation in the platform, so that they may find required products or suppliers easily. The Turkish company is looking for partners/chambers of commerce, exporters’ unions, business councils, etc. under the outsourcing agreement.


An Indian tutoring brand is looking for distribution partners under commercial agency or distribution services agreement

The company is an established brand in India for online assessments and classroom training. Their tutors are trained and qualified to teach according to any national or international curriculum and are supported by a team of experts on pedagogy and academics. The company is looking for commercial agency and distribution partners for their services in various countries.
