Inicio / luis (página 516)


An Israeli representation company, specialized in management / integration of projects in energy, transportation, tunneling, infrastructure and underground, is looking for commercial agency agreement

An Israeli company, greatly experienced in project management, coordination and integration in the energy, transportation, tunneling, infrastructure and underground fields, is seeking foreign partners in need of local representative in these fields. The expected partnership intends to assist a foreign colleague/specialist in local tenders competition / participation and enable both parties to get experience, knowledge, advanced approaches. The company is looking for commercial agency agreement.


A Hungarian company specialized in the production and assembly of other companies' electronics and other products offers manufacturing capacity under subcontracting or manufacturing agreement

The main activity of the Hungarian company is the production, assembly, soldering and mechanical assembly of electronics and non electronics devices.The services include several cable types and other components and complete devices. The company can produce in smaller and larger volumes. The tools and equipment are suitable for the electronics and assembly industry.
The company seeks subcontracting or manufacturing agreements.


Slovenian research lab is offering cognitive marketing solutions for advertisement and marketing for enhancing firm’s success and customer loyalty under outsourcing agreements

This Slovenian research laboratory is offering its know-how, staff expertise and technical support to firms and business practitioners with an aim to design effective cognitive marketing solutions, developing product placement strategies and secure customer loyalty. Relevant analysis and consultancy are provided primarily (but not exclusively) on the basis of quantitative data. Collaboration with interested European partners is sought under outsourcing agreements.


A Ukrainian company active in the distribution of medical equipment seeks manufacturing companies of medical instruments and equipment for distribution services agreement

The Ukrainian SME from Kyiv is dedicated to the distribution of all kind of medical equipment. In order to expand their business, they are looking for European partners which could be companies that manufacture medical equipment. The company is very flexible and has experience in this field of activity. The Ukrainian company could act as distributor in Ukraine under distribution services agreement.


An Italian company offers their business simulation games for universities and educational institutions under license and commercial agency agreeements

This Italian company develops simulations tools for assessment, training and employer branding. The tools are “unconventional”, intuitive, dynamic according to the paradigm of “learning by doing “and” learning by thinking”.
They offer business games for universities, polytechnics, master of business administration (MBA) program, business schools and summer schools. The cooperation will be carried out under license and commercial agency agreements.


A Lithuanian food sector company producing snacks – sunflower seeds, breakfast cereal, halva, waffles – is looking for trade intermediaries

The Lithuanian company working in the food sector and producing a variety of snacks – sunflower seeds, breakfast cereal, halva, waffles and etc. – is looking for trade intermediaries. The firm is offering to work under commercial agency agreement and distribution services agreement. The manufacturing agreement might be negotiable as well.


A Lithuanian company manufacturing polymerizing vinyl chloride windows, doors and aluminium constructions is looking for trade intermediaries

The Lithuanian manufacturer of polymerizing vinyl chloride (PVC) windows, doors, sliding and folding systems, winter gardens and other aluminum constructions is offering its production. The company is looking for trade intermediaries and is seeking to work under commercial agency agreements or distribution services agreements with them. A subcontracting agreement could be offered to potential partners as well.


Bulgarian company providing digital training services is looking for a commercial agency, subcontracting or outsourcing agreements in the field of cybersecurity or technical trainings.

A Bulgarian company established in 2013, provides unique educational approach with short weekly digital trainings through interactive emails with performance statistics. Focus is cybersecurity awareness and improving digital skills or knowledge about specific applications and procedures in a company. The trainings’ content includes theory, animation, tests and statistics. The company is willing to enter into subcontracting/outsourcing and/or commercial agency agreement.


A Polish producer of mirrors and glass interior structures seeks partners for distribution services and manufacturing agreement.

A Polish SME specialized in flat glass processing offers a wide range of ready made articles of mirrors (i. a. in a frameless technology), glass for furniture and laminated glass for interior arrangements. The company is looking for trade partners under distribution services agreement. Besides the company offers its production capacity under manufacturing agreement.
