Inicio / luis (página 263)


Bulgarian producer of distinguished herbal tinctures and ointments is looking for new markets through partnerships with distributors in EU

Bulgarian company, based in Sofia, is focused on the production of herbal tinctures as food additives and ointments. The main feature of all products is to use entirely natural plant ingredients to achieve healing properties. The formulas of the products are secret know-how and under process of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection. The company seeks to enter new markets through distribution agreements with EU partners.


Dutch commercial agency is looking for international companies with innovative and/or sustainable food products to represent

The Dutch company, based in the middle of the Netherlands, has ample experience and network in both food service and food retail. The focus area is on business opportunities in the field of innovative and sustainable food products and beverages. A commercial agency agreement is offered to foreign companies.


Dutch company active in sensor technology is looking for agents and/or distributors in Spain, Poland, France, Italy and Ukraine

Dutch SME active in sensor technology for the Agri- and Horticultural sector, has developed a wireless distributed climate sensor (and an open platform for a wide range of sensors and measuring devices) to reduce usage of water, energy and chemicals in green house or open field growing and warehousing. The company is looking for agents and/or distributors in Spain, Poland, France, Italy and Ukraine for a commercial agency agreement or distribution services agreement.


Slovenian high-tech company, specialized in IoT, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, prototyping and PCB assembly with own small production line, offers their services under a subcontracting agreement

A high-tech company from Slovenia, EU, blending research, development, engineering, prototyping, and manufacturing services under one roof, is looking for partnerships, offering a complete development service for subcontracting and/or to sign manufacturing and/or outsourcing agreement in EU and beyond.


German supplier of customer specific gluing solution based on self-adhesive tape is searching for manufacturing and outsourcing agreements

A German SME specialised in the development of gluing solutions for the connection of a broad range of materials during industrial manufacturing processes in different branches. It develops application solutions that are geared to individual material and production situations. Targeted forms of cooperation are the production of individual adhesive moulded parts and the automation of application processes in the self-adhesive technology sector, as manufacturing and outsourcing agreement.


Serbian manufacturer of fire and thermal protection systems of the ducts and also UVC-based air sterilization systems in the ducts seeks distributors.

A Serbian company specialized in the production of fire protection systems for the ventilation and smoke extraction ducts using intumescent coatings, production of coating thermal protection of galvanized steel ducts and pipes, as well as the production of UVC-based air sterlization systems. The company is interested in establishing collaboration through a distribution agreement with partners from all EU countries.


Bulgarian manufacturer of essential oils and various natural cosmetic products seeks distribution services and commercial agency agreements

Bulgarian manufacturer of essential oils and natural cosmetic products, with its own brand, is looking for distributors of its products portfolio in the EU and non-EU markets. The company grows own plantations of lavender, hyssop, chamomile, yarrow, white pine and juniper, coriander, fennel, dill and oregano in the fertile region of Pomorie, on the Black sea coast. The company is looking for suitable partners under a commercial agency or distribution services agreements.


UK SME with novel wound diagnostic kits seeks European distributors

A UK SME has developed novel wound diagnostic kits that detect elevated host protease activity (EPA) and bacterial protease activity (BPA) that enables a more effective treatment regime to be undertaken. The products offer significant potential savings for health services when this diagnostic capability is correctly implemented into their woundcare protocols. The company is looking for partners via a distribution services agreement within identified European markets.


A German company is looking for distribution and joint venture agreement partners to distribute a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the identification of high potential areas to place solar panels

A German research company has developed a geographical information system (GIS) enabling users to allocate high potential areas for solar panels, employing laser scanning data. The company is looking for partners to establish a joint venture or a distribution services agreement.



La Red de Información Europea de Andalucía convoca el XV Premio JÓVENES ANDALUCES CONSTRUYENDO EUROPA – JACE, cuyo objetivo consiste en promover el conocimiento de la Unión Europea entre el alumnado y personal docente de los centros educativos existentes en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. Su finalidad es fomentar y divulgar la dimensión europea en la educación y el mutuo entendimiento entre el alumnado de los centros educativos andaluces mediante trabajos sobre la Unión Europea. En este Premio participan alrededor de 200 alumnos y alumnas de toda Andalucía.

El XV Premio Escolar JÓVENES ANDALUCES CONSTRUYENDO EUROPA – JACE se desarrolla en dos fases, una primera consistente en la selección provincial de las propuestas realizadas mediante un formulario y la segunda, realizada mediante la presentación de los trabajos audiovisuales por los centros educativos finalistas.

Convocatoria 2021


Grupos de 15 a 30 alumnos/a de una misma clase 4º de ESO, 1º de Bachillerato y/o 1º de grado medio de Formación Profesional y 2 profesores/as. Podrán participar todos los centros educativos andaluces públicos, concertados y privados.

Cómo participar

  • Fase I:
    Presentación del formulario de solicitud (Anexo I) cumplimentado con su propuesta para un trabajo audiovisual sobre el tema europeo previsto por su centro EUROPE DIRECT de referencia. Los contenidos del formulario deberán reflejar que el trabajo tiene relación con el tema asignado en el marco de las políticas de la Unión Europea, que existe una propuesta de realización grupal del trabajo que permita la participación de todos los componentes del grupo, así como la descripción del contenido y los medios que se van a utilizar.
    El formulario debe estar totalmente cumplimentado.
    Los centros educativos remitirán los formularios a los centros EUROPE DIRECT de su localidad o provincia mediante correo electrónico (BASE QUINTA y Anexo III).
  • Fase II:
    Los grupos de los centros educativos finalistas enviarán sus trabajos audiovisuales, las listas de participantes y las autorizaciones para el uso de la imagen antes de las 14:00 horas del día 23 de abril de 2021 al correo electrónico de su Centro Europe Direct de referencia con copia al correo y utilizando en todos los casos la aplicación WeTransfer.
    Los trabajos tendrán una duración de entre 7 y 10 minutos, en formato MP4 y con un peso máximo de 2 GB por vídeo.


  • Fase I
  1. Presentación de los formularios de solicitud (Anexo I): Desde el 25 de enero hasta el 25 de febrero de 2021.
  2. Selección de los centros finalistas: 4 de marzo de 2021
  3. Comunicación de los centros finalistas: 5 de marzo de 2021
  • Fase II
  1. Fin del plazo para presentar los trabajos audiovisuales: 23 de abril de 2021, antes de las 14:00 h.
  2. Fallo del Premio: 28 de abril, a partir de las 10:00 horas durante un encuentro virtual en el que se realizará el visionado conjunto de todos los trabajos finalistas.
